The number of recognized species of pygmy-owls in the Americas, for example, has more than tripled from six species recognized in the 1980s to 21 (and counting) recognized today, based largely on analyses of vocalizations and mitochondrial DNA evidence. Check Ninox odiosa translations into French. Previously undescribed species and forms are still being discovered in the field, and the species-level taxonomy of several groups is in flux. ( Sclater, 1877) editar datos en Wikidata El nnox de Nueva Bretaa ( Ninox odiosa) 2 es una especie de ave estrigiforme de la familia Strigidae endmica de Nueva Bretaa, la mayor isla del archipilago Bismarck en Papa Nueva Guinea.
Ninox odiosa plus#
Under the current, evolving understanding of owl taxonomy, the Strigidae comprise somewhere in the range of 237 to 306 species, plus 6 recently extinct. (Included here in the “little owl” tribe are three Neotropical species whose affiliations are uncertain: Bare-legged Owl, Elf Owl, and Long-whiskered Owlet.) Ninoxinae: Hawk owls (37 to 44 species, plus 1 extinct)

Surniini: Pygmy-owls (34 to 48 species, plus 1 extinct) Surniinae: Little owls (49 to 79 species, plus 2 extinct)Īegolini: Saw-whet owls (4 to 6 species, plus 1 extinct) Pulsatrigini: Spectacled owls (5 species) Megascopini: Screech-owls (29 to 34 species) M t sa sa m ngun C diu New Britain l mt loi c c chiu di khong 22 cm (9 in). 1 C diu New Britain l loi c hu ca New England, hn o ln nht trong qun o Bismarck Papua New Guinea. Otini: Scops-owls (56 to 67 species, plus 3 extinct) Ninox odiosa C diu New Britain (danh php hai phn: Ninox odiosa) l mt loi chim trong h Strigidae. Striginae: Eared owls (151 to 183 species, plus 3 extinct) Ornithology Ornithological illustration Ninox odiosa. Very finished painting large numeral '17.' Extent. Drawing depicting: Ninox odiosa - Spangled Boobook New britian hawk-owl Note. ix + 259.The internal relationships of the Strigidae can be understood as three large subfamilies, two of which are further divided into a total of nine tribes, as follows: Hart, William Matthew, 1830-1908 (artist) Description. Birds of the World: Recommended English Names. Gill, Frank, and Minturn Wright, 2006: null. Ninox odiosa Sclater, PL 1877 summary synonyms eBird Wikipedia NatureServe ITIS The New Britain boobook, also known as the spangled boobook, New Britain hawk-owl or Russet hawk-owl, is a small owl that is endemic to New Britain, the largest island in the Bismarck Archipelago in Papua New Guinea. Name Homonyms Ninox odiosa P.L.Sclater, 1877 Common names Alvefalkugle in Norwegian Bismarck-Kauz in German Gufastore di New Britain in Italian Gylden Høgeugle in Danish Naujosios Britanijos aštrianagė pelėda in Lithuanian Neubritannienkauz in German New Britain Boobook in English New Britain Boobook in English New Britain Boobook in English New Britain Boobook in English New Britain Boobook in English New-Britainvalkuil in Dutch Ninoxe odieuse in French Nínox de Nueva Bretaña in Spanish Russet Hawk-Owl / New Britain Boobook in English Spangled Boobook in English Spangled Boobook in English Spangled Boobook in English newbritainspökuggla in Swedish nínox de Nova Bretanya in Catalan–Valencian sovka novobritská in Czech sovka škoricová in Slovak sowica cynamonowa in Polish uudenenglanninpöllö in Finnish uusbritannia haugaskakk in Estonian új-brittaniai héjabagoly in Hungarian Новобританская иглоногая сова in Russian ニューブリテンアオバズク in Japanese 新不列顛島鷹鴞 in Chinese 新不列颠鹰鸮 in Chinese New Britain Boobook in English alvefalkugle in Norwegian Bokmål Russet Hawk-Owl in English Spangled Boobook in English Bibliographic References Description: The New Britain boobook (Ninox odiosa), also known as the spangled boobook, New Britain hawk-owl or Russet hawk-owl, is a small owl that is endemic to New Britain, the largest island in the Bismarck Archipelago in Papua New Guinea.